I had heardof this before but never tried it. Today I did and it is amazing... it WORKS!!
Recently I've taken up smocking, my first project is Baby Girl's Easter dress. And I really wanted to smock this morning... but there were lots of little things that needed to be done.
So I set my kitchen timer for 10 minutes and got quickly to work. It is amazing what you can do in 10 minutes when you set your mind to it!
1. Fed my bread starter.
2. Washed a few dishes.
3. Wiped out the sink.
4. Folded a load of laundry.
THEN.... I was so motivated by what I got done I set the timer for another 5 minutes and I...
5. Put away the folded laundry.
6. Stuck a few things in the suitcases for our upcoming trip.
7. Emptied the bathroom trash.
8. Went to the bathroom (sorry if tmi)
9. Dried the dishes... well... I had two things left when the timer went off... so it took more like 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
10. While I was running back and forth doing all this I did some general pick up of a few things that were lying around.
WOW! I am so impressed with myself! Now I can happily sit down and smock without feeling guilty for leaving things undone around the house.
I think I could become quite competitive with myself.